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Erica Kastner
Music lover and sociology enthusiast. I thrive at the intersection of cultural immersion and dissection.

The "Train Yourself" campaign was created in collaboration at the University of Georgia in my Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns class. As a part of the strategy team, my biggest contributions to the campaign included both overseeing other teams in the class to ensure project completion as well as managing the production and editing of a 149-page campaign plans book.
Our client, CSX, reached out to us to create a PSA-like campaign to change unsafe behavior around train tracks among their target audience. Over the course of a semester, my class produced an entire campaign for CSX which we titled "Train Yourself".
During the first half of the semester, my strategy team and I focused on managing other teams to ensure that projects were completed on time. Additionally, we kept the budget in check and produced presentations for our client to update them on our class' progress during client conference calls.
During the second half of the semester, another member of the strategy team and I were put in charge of producing our campaign plans book that was to be given to the client at the end of the semester. In just under a month and a half, my partner and I had to create a table of contents for the book, manage multiple other teams to source material for the book, and edit the book for various criteria. When editing, my partner and I looked for gaps in information, change in tone, inconsistency in phrasing, and incorrect grammar. In terms of the book's design, my partner and I had to oversee the creative team to ensure that their designs were consistent and visually appealing.
A link to a PDF version of the book is below. Since the book's file is so large that it had to be uploaded via a Google Drive link, when you click on the button below, when taken to the page that says "Google Drive can't scan this file for viruses", click the "Download Anyway" button. Additionally when viewing the book, keep in mind that my team's design priority for the book was to create a file that could be printed out and bound with two-sided pages. This design priority existed because we desired to give a printed copy of the book to the client. Therefore, the book is designed to be read as if it is a bound book with two-sided pages.
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